Patrizia R. Mussini
1986 Five-year degree in Chemistry cum laude, UNIMI; 1986-1992 iunior research scientist; 1992-2002: Researcher/Assistant Professor in Applied Physical Chemistry, in charge of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry Laboratory Courses; 2002-present: Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry (2002-2010 also in charge of Electrochemistry Laboratory); 2011-present: also in charge of Advanced Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2013 national habilitation to Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry.
Tutor or cotutor of about 100 Degree theses and of several PhD Theses in chemical sciences.
Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), covering the role of Vice-Chair of the Molecular Electrochemistry Division in 2009-2010, having been Italy's National Representative from 2004
to 2006. Member of the Italian Chemical Society (Analytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Physical Chemistry, and Sensor and Energy Groups); 1999-2004 member of the Electrochemical Division Directive Committee). Member of Member of organizing and/or scientific committees, or invited lecturer, at national and international congresses. From 2013 member of the ECHEMS Committee (international conference series focusing on new developments in electrochemistry). Referee of many authoritative international scientific journals; in 2013 Guest Editor of Electrochimica Acta.
2007-2009 Italian Coordinator of a bilateral research project within the Executive Programme of Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Poland and Italy. 2011 Invited lecturer at the IFW Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany. 2011-2014 Member of the Advisory Board of the NOBLESSE ("NanOtechnology, Biomaterials and aLternative Energy Source for ERA integration") project, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC-PAS), Warsaw, Poland, within the 7th European Framework Programme. Involved as Electroanalysis and Electrochemistry Specialist in FIRB2002, PRIN 2004 and 2006, FIRST 2006, PUR 2008, 2010/2012 Regione Lombardia projects, in Fondazione Cariplo Advanced Materials Projects (2010/2012 and 2012-2014) and in the UNIMI SmartMatLab project funded jointly by Regione Lombardia and Fondazione Cariplo. 2012-2015 Principal Investigator of the project "Inherently Chiral Ionic Liquids" awarded with one of the "Frontier Research in the Chemical Field" prizes by Fondazione Cariplo (2011-1851, euro 175000). Between 2008 and 2012 responsible for many joint projects with Italian industries.
Her research interests, accounted for by more than 150 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals (H index ), more than 220 presentations at national and international meetings, several patents and a book chapter (on the subject of electrochemical activation of carbon-halogen bonds), are focused on the application of electrochemistry and electroanalysis to the study of matter and reactivity, particularly in the following areas:
1) electroanalysis and electrochemistry for the investigation and development of innovative materials for sensor, optoelectronics, and molecular photovoltaic applications, including new-concept chiral electrodes of outstanding enantiorecognition properties (Angewandte Chemie 2014, IF»13.7), organic semiconductors, conducting polymers, luminescent complexes, multicenter redox systems, and electrochemically active nucleic acid probe molecules.
2) molecular electrocatalysis, for analytical, synthetic, and environmental applications, particularly focusing on the cleavage of carbon-halogen bonds in a wide range of organic halides on catalytic surfaces such as e.g. Ag and Au (mechanism, molecular structure vs reactivity relationship, effects of the reacting medium and of the electrode material);
3) fundamentals and protocols of electroanalysis in complex media, including matrices of interest in environmental chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and food chemistry;