Luca Pappalardo

Luca Pappalardo was born in 1984 in Salerno. He graduated in 2007 (BS) and 2010 (MS) in Computer Science at the University of Salerno. In 2014 he got a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. Luca has been a visiting scholar at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and at Northeastern University in Boston, a postdoc at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and at Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa (2015-2017). Currently, he is a permanent researcher at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the National Research Council (ISTI-CNR) and a member of KDD-Lab, a joint research group with the Department of Computer Science at University of Pisa. He teaches Big Data Analytics at the Master's Degree in Data Science and Mobility Data Analysis at the Master in Big Data Analytics & Social Mining, at the University of Pisa. He co-founded PlayeRank Srl, a startup recognized as a spinoff of the University of Pisa. Luca participated in several European projects, including DataSim (FP7-ICT), Cimplex (FET-Proactive), SEEK (FP7-People), SoBigData (H2020-INFRAIA), SoBigData++ (H2020-INFRAIA), Track&Know (H2020-ICT). He won several grants and awards: Grant for Young Mobility (2013, ISTI-CNR), Grant "Produrre Statistica Ufficiale con i Big Data" (2014, Google-ISTAT), Young Researcher Award (2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, ISTI-CNR), CIKM Analyticup award (2017, ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management), "Hackathon del Calcio" prize (2017, FIGC), best paper award at “5th International Workshop on Agent-Based Mobility, Traffic and Transportation Models Methodologies and Applications” (2017). Luca's research activity focuses on big data analytics, aimed at the understanding of the statistical laws underlying human mobility and the development of AI-based generative algorithms of human trajectories. Recently, Luca focused on sports analytics, on the development of computer vision models to automate sports data collection and of explainable AI models to forecast the injuries of athletes. Luca published more than 50 papers and organized several workshops and tutorials at top academic and industrial conferences. He is an active developer of Python library scikit-mobility ( Luca organized several coding competitions, including Soccer Data Challenge ( and Soccer Data Cup ( in collaboration with MIUR, and divulgation events on Data Science (DataBeersTuscany). Luca wrote several divulgation articles on national newspapers (IlSole24Ore) and performed as divulgator in scientific broadcasts on national TV (SuperQuark+,